Sunny’s real name is Dailuaine Judge ‚N‘ Jury and he is out of Layla and Shadow or speaking in proper breeder’s language: out of Dailuaine Destiny’s Child and CH AMIRENE WIND IN THE WILLOWS. He really got all the good genes of Shadow and Layla regarding temperament and appearance..His mood is sunny as the name promises. He is friendly, cuttely, soft, however, a real guy.
Sunny returned home at the age of 14 months, because his owners weren’t able to educate him properly and afterwards they wondered why he was walking all over them. My daughter Katharina then took care of him, went to dogschool with him and did a super job on him. A big thank you goes to our favorite dog trainer as well, to Franz Mikesch who’s expertise payed off once again.
Nevertheless we are all happy to have Sunny with us again showing so promising and positive developments. By all means he is one of my white hopes carrying on this old, traditional and precious Amirene-Line in my breeding.
He is a registered studdog now and therefore entitled to date suitable bitches.
His profile: hips A2 – ellbows 0/0 – eyes clear.
He’s not only allowed to do it, he did it too. he made other girls happy as well as ours. Just take the V-Litter, our record litter with 13 pups – quite potent that guy.
Sadly he doesn’t live anymore. He suffered of a malicious nose tumor which grew very quickly, couldn‘ be therapied any more and we had to put him down to pretend him from suffering.
Sunny is buried in our garden in front row and I take comfort in the fact that I still have frozen semen of him. And if there is a chance we will take it to create new life out of it and then he can observe his progeny from above.